Workshop Program

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

10:40A Framework for the study of Evolved Term-Weighting Schemes in IR
Ronan Cummins, Colm O'Riordan [paper]
11:15Integrating tf-idf Weighting with Fuzzy View-Based Search
Markus Holi, Eero Hyvönen, Petri Lindgren [paper]
11:40Syntax versus Semantics: Analysis of Enriched Vector Space Models
Benno Stein, Sven Meyer zu Eissen, Martin Potthast [paper]
12:10Graph Retrieval with the Suffix Tree Model
Mathias Lux, Sven Meyer zu Eissen, Michael Granitzer [paper]
14:00Classifying Encounter Notes in the Primary Care Patient Record
Thomas Brox Røst, Øystein Nytrø, Anders Grimsmo [paper]
14:25LexiRes: A Tool for Exploring and Restructuring EuroWordNet for IR
Ernesto William De Luca, Andreas Nörnberger [paper]
14:50Framework for Semi Automatically Generating Topic Maps
Lóránd Kásler, Zsolt Venczel, Lászlá Zsolt Varga [paper]
15:30-16:00Coffee break
16:00Ensemble-based Author Identification Using Character N-grams
Efstathios Stamatatos [paper]
16:35Common Criteria for Genre Classification: Annotation and Granularity
Marina Santini [paper]
17:10Challenges in Extracting Terminology from Modern Greek Texts
Aristomenis Thanopoulos, Katia Kermanidis, Nikos Fakotakis [paper]
17:45Discussion and Closing Remarks
afterwardsECAI Opening / ECAI Welcome Reception

The entire Proceedings (~ 2MB)

Call for Papers

Intelligent technologies for information mining and retrieval have become an important and exciting field of research in our information-flooded society. Methods of text-based information retrieval receive special attention, which results from the fundamental role of written text, but also because of the high availability of the Internet.

There are various techniques and methods being used for text-based information retrieval tasks, which stem from different research areas: machine learning, computer linguistics and psychology, user interaction and modeling, information visualization, or distributed systems. The development of powerful retrieval tools requires the combination of these developments, and in this sense the workshop shall provide a platform that spans different views and approaches.

The following list gives examples from classic and ongoing topics from the field of text-based information retrieval for which contributions are welcome (but not restricted to):

  • formal models for text representation, document models, similarity measures for special retrieval tasks
  • category formation and clustering, document classification
  • distributed IR
  • topic identification, auto-abstracting, keyword extraction, natural language processing for IR
  • plagiarism analysis, author identification, style analysis
  • IR for the Semantic Web: usage, construction, and maintenance of ontologies for retrieval tasks
  • cross-language retrieval, multilingual retrieval, and machine translation for IR
  • concepts and techniques for information visualization, user modeling, and interaction for particular retrieval tasks
  • citation and link analysis, Web dynamics
  • relevance feedback and personalization
  • IR in business and engineering applications
  • evaluation, building of test collections, experimental design and user studies

The workshop addresses researchers, users, and practitioners from different fields: data mining, machine learning, document and knowledge management, semantic technologies, and information retrieval in general. In particular, we encourage potential participants to present research prototypes and tools of their ideas.

Submission Guideline

Research papers submitted to TIR-06 must consist of original contributions. Submissions must generally be in electronic form using the Portable Document Format (PDF) or Postscript. It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that their papers use no unusual format features and are printable on a standard Postscript printer.

Styleguide and author information

Submissions must use the ECAI-06 style. A description of the style can be found here. For Latex users the necessary files can be downloaded here.

It is highly recommended to submit papers using the final camera-ready formatting style. Submissions must not exceed six pages in camera-ready format.

Papers must be written in English. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the contribution.

Submit a contribution

Please send your paper to [email protected]

Important Dates

  • Apr 15, 2006: Deadline for paper submission
  • May 10, 2006:Notification to authors
  • May 24, 2006: Camera-ready copy due
  • Aug 29, 2006: TIR-06 Workshop

Organizing Committee

  • Benno Stein (Co-Chair), Bauhaus University Weimar
  • Odej Kao (Co-Chair), University of Paderborn

Program Committee

  • Mikhail Alexandrov, National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico
  • Elizabeth Sugar Boese, Colorado State University
  • Michael Granitzer, Know-Center Graz
  • Heiko Holzheuer, Lycos Europe
  • Wolfgang Kienreich, Know-Center Graz
  • Theodor Lettmann, University of Paderborn
  • Mathias Lux, Technical University Graz
  • Sven Meyer zu Eissen, Bauhaus University Weimar
  • Oliver Niggemann, DSpace